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Medical Services

Antenatal Care

On confirmation of pregnancy patients are advised to meet with the Midwife to discuss their pregnancy, individual plans and options available for future care.  At the first meeting the Midwife will be happy to discuss screening tests, healthy lifestyle and all aspects of antenatal care. As appropriate patients are booked for birth at Nevill Hall Hospital, Abergavenny or The County Hospital, Hereford.  Consultant led care is now at The Grange University Hospital in Llanfrechfa.

Home deliveries are the sole responsibility of the midwife.  Appointments can be made for post-natal check up, these are undertaken by your GP approximately 6 weeks after birth.

Hospital Bloods

If a hospital consultant has requested that you have a blood test these are carried out in Hospital Phlebotomy

Timings are listed below (Updated June 2024):

Monnow Vale (for Welsh secondary care requested bloods) - 09.00 - 12:00 (Monday and Friday). Call 01600 773113 to make an appointment

Nevill Hall (for Welsh secondary care requested bloods) - 08.45 - 16.15 (Monday to Friday). Walk-in clinic

We can however book PSAs, MGUS Bloods, Velindre Bloods and Bloods that are requested on Hospital discharges

Hereford County Hospital (for Herefordshire secondary care requested bloods)

Call 01432 372924 for more details

Gloucester Royal Hospital (for Gloucester secondary care requested bloods)

Call 0300 422 5293

Blood Testing

Blood tests requested by a clinician at the practice are performed by our Healthcare Assistants who have daily Clinics. You will be contacted if your results need further discussion within 2 to 5 days.

Cervical Smears

Cervical smear tests can be arranged by booking an appointment with the Practice Nurse. Women aged 25-64, invited 5 yearly.

Child Vaccinations

These are undertaken by our Practice Nurses in Monmouth and Raglan by appointment. Immunisation reminders are sent by Child Health directly to patient in order to book in at the right times.

Meningitis B Vaccinations - Important Information:

Children must have Paracetamol at the time of this vaccination and then a further two doses at the appropriate intervals, this is to reduce the risk of post vaccination fever (Please note Paracetamol to be provided by the Parent/Guardian, not Castle Gate Medical Practice.).

Contraceptive Services, Family Planning Clinic and HRT

Our Practice Nurse team will be able to give you advice regarding contraception including coil fittings and Nexplanon fittings/changes.

Please note that emergency contraception is available if requested within 5 days of the need arising.  Please contact our Reception Team on 01600 713 811 for more information.

Psychological Well-being Practitioner

Clinics are held weekly and can be accessed via a GP/Nurse referral.

Health Visitors

Monmouth and Raglan

Health visitors provide a home visiting service to all new parents and their newborn babies during the 6 weeks after birth.  These visits are undertaken by Health Visitors who are registered Nurses with additional training in working with babies, children and families in the community.  Every child under school age will have a Health Visitor.

Health Visitor work focuses on pre-school children and their families.  In addition to undertaking home visits, assessing needs, promoting health and child development they also provide information on parental mental health, child safety, childhood immunisations, nutrition and infant feeding.

The Health Visitors also link closely with other services such as Social Services, School Nursing, Midwifery, Speech Therapy, Housing and Child Protection.

Minor Illness

Our highly skilled and qualified Nurses can deal with minor illnesses, patients can be examined and given treatment as needed.  Our Nurses are qualified to treat minor illnesses such as throat, ear and chest infections.

Minor Surgery

After consultation, if the GP considers it necessary for you to have a minor operation and this procedure can be carried out at the Surgery, you can be offered a minor surgery appointment.  Minor operations include removal of certain skin cysts, ingrowing toe nails, incision of abscesses, joint injections.

Other Clinics

We provide diabetic, asthma, blood pressure, stroke and heart clinics for our patients.

Travel Health

Our Nursing team offer travel vaccination information, advice and immunisations. Please complete the travel vaccination leaflet which is available from Reception. We are a registered Yellow Fever Center but this is only carried out in one of the sites.

Private Services (Non NHS)

Please note: Reports may take up to 6 weeks to produce

All fees are inclusive of VAT (if applicable)

HGV Medical - Please note that this does not include the eyesight check, this must be completed by an optician prior to your appointment with the GP


PSV/Foster/Seafarer/Expedition or Holiday Cancellation Medicals


Pre-Employment Medical


Private Insurance Medical


Firearms License Form 


Insurance Forms (pensions, life insurance, mortgage application)


Holiday Cancellation Form


Certificate of Vaccination


Fitness to Participate/Travel Form


Letter for Schools or Benefits


DVLA Fitness to Drive Form


Private Sick Note



Private prescription (£30 admin charge for script) medication charge will be extra



Private consultation (non NHS patients only)



For information on travel vaccinations and fees please refer to the travel immunisation form available from Reception at the surgery.
