Useful Booking Office Numbers (outpatient appointments/referrals/wait times)
Aneurin Bevan UHB Referral & Booking Centre (for outpatient appointments at ABUHB Hospitals) - 01495 765 055
Aneurin Bevan UHB Trauma & Orthopaedic Booking Office - 01495 745 695
Aneurin Bevan UHB Dermatology Booking Office - 01495 765 448
Aneurin Bevan UHB Urology Booking Office - 01633 234 981/01633 234 972
Aneurin Bevan UHB Radiology Booking Service (if you have been referred for X-Ray/CT/MRI etc) - 01495 765 100
Referral Assessment Service (RAS) - for HR postcodes referred to English hospital providers - 03300 238 285
Referral Management Centre (Hereford) for The County Hospital Hereford bookings - 01432 383 100
Referral Management Centre (Hereford) for The County Hospital Hereford 2WW cancer bookings - 0800 587 4089
Gloucestershire Hospitals Outpatient Booking Office (for GL postcodes only) - 0300 422 4506/0300 422 5988
Primary Care Mental Health Support Service (Aneurin Bevan University Health Board) - 0330 053 5596
Cardiff and Vale NHS Trust appointment booking centre (for any appointments at UHW, Llandough, Barry Hospital, Cardiff Royal Infirmary) - 029 20 748 181
Local Hospital Telephone Numbers:
Nevill Hall Hospital, Abergavenny - 01873 732 732
Royal Gwent Hospital, Newport - 01633 234 234
Monnow Vale Health Care & Social Facility - 01633 493100/01600 773 113
Chepstow Community Hospital, Chepstow - 01291 636 636
University Hospital of Wales, Heath, Cardiff - 029 20 747 747
Velindre Cancer Centre, Whitchurch, Cardiff - 029 20 615 888
Hereford County Hospital, Hereford - 01432 355 444
Other Useful Numbers:
Gwent GP Out of Hours - 111
Aneurin Bevan Outpatients Booking Office - 01495 765 055
Out of Hours Dental Helpline - 01633 744 387
Local Chemist Numbers:
Boots the Chemist, Monnow Street, Monmouth - 01600 713 119
Superdrug, Monnow Street, Monmouth - 01600 716 746
Co-operative Pharmacy, Monnow Street, Monmouth - 01600 715 955
D R Rosser Chemist, Church Street, Monmouth - 01600 713 123
H Shackleton (Raglan) - 01291 690 737
Aneurin Bevan Hospital Transport:
Patient transfer booking centre - 0800 32 82 332
Hereford/Gloucester Hospital Transport:
Patient transfer booking centre - 0800 32 82 332
Useful Websites:
NHS Direct 111 - 24 hrs a day, 7 days a week NHS 111 Wales - 0845 46 47
Wales Smoking cessation Help me Quit - 0800 085 2219
Gwent Drug and Alcohol Service (GDAS) - 0333 999 3577
MIND Monmouthshire - 01873 858 275
Childline - 0800 11 11
Samaritans - 116 123
Women's Aid - 0808 2000 247
Citizens Advice (Monmouthshire) - 03444 772 020